Creative Teaching: Learning Methods in Nursing Education



Module 1:

Creative Teaching, Learning Methods in Nursing Education

Associate Professor Dr. Terry
| Christine E. Lynn Graduate College of Nursing


Becoming Competent:

Integrate creative teaching/learning strategies to guide understanding of students as unique, whole and connected to others and environment.

Becoming Confident:

Explore innovative teaching/learning strategies for nursing education.

Attending to Conscience:

Create a teaching/learning environment that fosters students’ engagement in learning.
Cultivate an attitude of openness to innovation and continual learning pertaining to information systems and care technologies.

Affirming Commitment:

Practice innovative teaching methods in various education settings. Apply educational strategies that support the uniqueness of students as persons living caring.

Florida Atlantic University | Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing

Florida Atlantic University | Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing


In this graduate course for nurse educators, as one of six assignments in the course, students created a digital story: a three to five-minute multiple media moving image piece. Students were asked in preparation of the second class to review WeVideo tutorials - the online platform used to produce, edit, and export the final products - as well as look at the Nurstory site, in order to review examples of other digital stories created by nurses.

Students were asked to come prepared to class with a story that they wanted to tell, and could envision producing to teach and learn nursing.  As Caring Scholars, their story would include a Nursing Situation, where the lived experience of caring between the nurse and patient take place. The digital story would be carefully considered for how it was representative of caring science, and how they would use the finished product in the student’s future as nursing educators. The digital story they would create should have a concise purpose, and be developed for a specific audience to enhance others understanding of nursing and to meet specific learning objectives. Additionally, the images and music that were used should be supportive of that purpose, and should all be symbolic.

Students were only required to have a minimum of 1-4 images, as it was recognized that learning the new digital medium and mode of expression was an assignment in of itself, and that the final written script for the video should be no more than 350 words.

The finished products were shared in class, as a chance for peers to see one another’s work and learn and grow from being present and observing each student’s creative methods of teaching.


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Required Readings for Assignment:
-Read “Digital story telling in in social justice nursing education” by Raeann G. LeBlanc PhD
-Reference “Digital Storytelling Cookbook” for additional help into the process

Required Tech for Assignment:
-Sign up for a “Free Account” with WeVideo; the free account
allows the user to create up to 5 minutes of video content
-Or have your school sign up for an education account on WeVideo

The Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, as an integral part of Florida Atlantic University, committed to the pursuit of higher education grounded in the arts, sciences and humanities. Faculty of the College support the University mission of teaching, research/scholarship and service within an environment that fosters inclusiveness.

The Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing is dedicated to caring; advancing the science, studying the meaning, practicing the art, and living caring day-to-day.
— College's Mission Statement


I just wanted to tell you how I am blown away by the value of digital stories and their effectiveness in engaging the audience. I am looking forward to learning more and being able to construct and utilize in my practice. - FAU Graduate Nursing Student