The Nurstory Team is available for:

  • Conferences and screenings/discussions of the stories and the digital storytelling process

  • Online webinars about the value of digital storytelling as reflective practice and professional development; the workshop process; and the products as teaching tools for nurse educators

  • Face-to-face digital storytelling workshops, where nurses gather in a group for 1-day, 2-day or 3-day workshops to each make a digital story

  • Online digital storytelling workshops, where nurses gather online once per week for 8 weeks and work together to each make a digital story

  • Train-the-Trainer workshops

Digital Storytelling Workshop Process

The Nurstory Process is based on a 30-year community-based participatory media methodology that Nurstory facilitators have been trained in and have practiced.

Since adapting the three-day digital storytelling workshop model in 2008, Nurstory has helped hundreds of nurses conceive of and create a digital story. The genre, a two to four minute short video – deeply personal, honestly presented – has become a new form of communication, ideal for the social media world we now inhabit, and ideal for the reflection needed in the profession to reduce burnout, compassion fatigue, and vicarious trauma.

This workshop includes:

  • Introduction to the Seven Steps of Digital Storytelling

  • Group sharing and feedback in a facilitated StoryCircle

  • Script writing and voice recording

  • Image preparation and storyboarding

  • Video editing and production: transitions, effects, music, and titles

  • Production of a two to four minute digital story

  • Group story screening and workshop closure

Who should attend:

This workshop is for everyone and anyone: young and old; tech savvy and not. Whether you feel a creative itch to experiment, a desire to more deeply explore an important life story, or the need to represent a story of your organization or community, our experienced and professional staff will make you feel completely supported and at home.

Ethical Practice

The stories of nurses, and the nurses who tell them, are often heavy with vicarious trauma. Whether it's working with a flight nurse who survived the crash of their helicopter while trying to save others, or a forensic nurse who works with survivors of rape day after day, our facilitators have deep experience in leading individuals and groups through the process of creating meaningful stories, in safe and supportive environments. We follow a Storytellers' Bill of Rights and extreme sensitivity around consent as an ongoing process. Download our Ethics Guide


Contact us to inquire about bringing a Nurstory workshop or presentation to your community of nurses.

Since being in Denver and doing my story, I have stopped practicing as a SANE nurse. I use my story, and several of the others, as I teach a forensic class during a mental health rotation. I use them to demonstrate that each patient we contact leaves an impact on us all, and we need to be aware that we do the same to our patients.
— Sara Daykin